
Prof. Ricardo Sáenz de Tejada

Enlarged view: Portrait of Ricardo Saenz de Tejada

external pageInstitute of Historical, Anthropological and Archaeological Studies, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (in Spanish)

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Ricardo Sáenz de Tejada (PhD Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - FLACSO) is Professor at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. He specializes in current history and the study of social movements and political processes. He has previously been a researcher and lecturer at FLASCO and the Universidad Rafael Landívar in Guatemala. His publications include, among others, “Elecciones, participación política y pueblo Maya en Guatemala” (2005); “¿Víctimas o vencedores? Una aproximación al movimiento de los ex PAC” (2005); “Revolucionarios en tiempos de paz, rompimientos y recomposiciones en las izquierdas de Guatemala y El Salvador” (2007); and “Oliverio, una biografía del secretario general de la AEU” (2010).

Alejandro Quiñonez

Enlarged view: Portrait of Alejandro Quiñonez

external pageInstitute of Historical, Anthropological and Archaeological Studies, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (in Spanish)

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Alejandro Quiñonez is an Anthropology student at the School of History of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. His research interests include processes of community autonomy of indigenous peoples as an alternative to the traditional political, social and economic model imposed by the state; resistance movements by the indigenous communities of Guatemala in the defense of territory and natural resources; as well as studies of Guatemalan art, specifically studies of rock music and literature, from the 90s.

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